As a digital marketing agency, you’re no stranger to common statements like “I’ll just get my mate to do it” or “I don’t understand why I need to improve my SEO – my website is fine!” The list of common statements goes on, but if you’re continually facing this issue, it’s time to look at what tools you’re using to convert prospects.
Hint: If audits aren’t one of them, you need to read on.
If your agency is in a position where you’re struggling to sell your digital marketing solutions, you’re not alone. You only have to look to speak to a fellow agency owner to know that one of their common issues is converting those hard-sought-after leads into paying clients.
The challenge is often because the value of digital marketing services is speculative. Unlike fixing the clutch on a car, your clients have to trust that they’ll see the value in your services over time. But convincing your clients that you can achieve that, or whether it’s even worth it, is half the battle.
So how can you prove value to your clients before selling to and working with them?
Audits are all too often run too late in the selling process, and by that, we mean after you’ve sold your services to the client. But we can’t blame you – desk research is time-consuming and accumulating reports from various tools takes time. However, underestimating audits when prospecting is a mistake.
Save time and money with 60-second, comprehensive audits from Insites , the tool that brings all your audit checks into one report with trackable and easy-to-understand scores
When prospecting, run an audit on your prospect’s online presence. This will give you an insight into their site, socials, and broader online presence which will help you know exactly where you can help, but more importantly, help translate your services as solutions to their problems (which you’ve conveniently audited for them as proof already.)
You’ve audited your prospect’s site – now what? Simply sending out an Excel document to your clients isn’t going to help your conversion rate, and it may even decrease their confidence in you. Your clients need to be guided through the audit, like you would a presentation, so here are our 5 tips to make sure your audit engages with your client:
Save time on converting prospects with Insites’ audits. Our comprehensive reports cover everything you need as a marketing agency; SEO, spelling and grammar, accessibility, social presence and more. Plus, they’re ready in just 60 seconds.
Happy auditing!
The Insites Team