Structured data test

Ensure your SME clients have Schema data set up correctly on their website.

What is structured data?

Websites are great for users, but the information they contain is usually unstructured. Adding structured content using the JSON-LD standard means the webpage can be easily understood by search engines and other friendly bots. A good example of this in practice is Google Shopping, which relies on structured data on the product pages of ecommerce websites.

Google bot

Make sure your SME customers have structured data

Our Structured Data test can check in seconds if a business website has structured data. For ecommerce websites, we can also verify if product pages contain structured product information.

A purple circle with error modal overlaying saying 'This organisation's website is missing important business details'.

Not just a structured data test

Insites covers the complete range of digital marketing factors: SEO, local presence, social media, Google Ads, accessibility, video and much more.

Circle showing logos of Facebook, video icon, accessibility and Google maps audit tool

Get schema audits to help your clients

Whether you need beautifully branded PDFs for sales agents, a lead magnet for your marketing campaigns, or bulk data about your competitors, we can help.

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