Uberall voice search readiness score

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We’re pleased to announce that Silktide Prospect reports can now include the Uberall Voice Search Readiness score.

Consumers seeking a product or service are increasingly turning to voice search to help them find what they’re looking for. Uberall’s 2019 Voice Search Readiness (VSR) report highlights this growing trend, and the importance for SMEs to optimise their business.

We have partnered with Uberall to bring their proprietary VSR score into Silktide Prospect reports, so it’s easy to see whether a business is ready for the age of voice assistants.

The check covers the 4 key voice search platforms – Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa and Cortana – to give a clear and simple overview of how the business is performing today. Compelling recommendations help the business owner understand why they need to take action and start managing their presence online.

Example of analysis results

This exciting new feature can be enabled today for any partner already taking advantage of our Uberall scan integration. Talk to your Silktide Prospect customer success manager to find out how. You can also read more about Uberall’s research on Voice Search Readiness on their blog.

About Uberall

Uberall delivers a memorable ‘Near Me’ Brand Experience for SMB and enterprise resellers to offer clients along every step of today’s customer journey — from online interactions to offline sales.

Resellers can establish new, powerful revenue streams by helping clients stand out in a highly fragmented online space and giving consumers a seamless digital to brick and mortar experience.

Uberall solutions enable businesses to easily manage search and discovery, engagement and conversion in real-time on all online platforms — mobile, voice and desktop — across websites, mobile apps, store locators, search engines, maps, social platforms and advertising networks.

Uberall is headquartered in Berlin, with additional offices in San Francisco, London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Cape Town. Its clients include Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders from all over the world.

Learn more at uberall.com or reach out to partner@uberall.com